A Netizen from Internet and citizen or cybercitizen is a person actively involved in online communities. I am responsible netizen because I help other netizen what ever teir problems.Helping others is good and it will make us to be happy. There is a saying "it is better to give than to receive".It means that we must give other not forcely but instead what our hearth told us to give.It is similar to "It better to help them than they are helping us ", because helping others says that we are strong in that problem.Be a helpful person.
Being a responsible netizen is only a practice of being a citizen although itis in the internet.It is a pribilage to became part of it.
I am a responsible netizen because I accept their suggestion that I think it will help and it will not offend others. Because being open minded is one of the most good characteristic that the person must have. It will bring you for more knowledge and it will help you to have more friends. It also makes you humble because you will accept every ones opinion. Being open minded will bring you to success.
This is what the responsible netizen do. I am a responsible netizen because I avoid saying badwords , I avoid watching phornographies site, i avoid putting wrong information in the net, I avoid black mailing others , I love other netizen like my family and relatives.You can also entertain through the internet games and internet sounds.Internet can do many things but using it everday can harm you use the internet wisely.
Arjay, I told you to edit first your articles before publishing it. Mali-mali ang spelling at hindi- sumusunod sa mechanics ng writing.